Relationship between blood groups, susceptibility and severity of Covid-19
COVID-19, Blood groups, susceptibility, severityAbstract
Introduction: in recent years, there has been an interest in knowing whether ABO blood system antigens have a role in the susceptibility of SARS-CoV-2 infection or in the severity of the disease. Because the antigens of the ABO system have been associated with other types of diseases.
Objective: understand the relationship between blood groups and the susceptibility and severity of COVID-19.
Materials and methods: a literature review study was carried out that had a total of 21 bibliographies consulted, which were cited throughout the work.
Development: it has been shown that microorganisms can stimulate the production of antibodies against blood group antigens such as those of the ABO system and in parallel, the natural antibodies of the ABO system can be considered part of the immune system against some bacterial pathogens and enveloped viruses that carry these antigens in a constitutive way.
Conclusions: different blood groups play an important role in the development of infectious diseases. And that people with blood group A are more susceptible to developing the most severe form of the disease than other blood groups, while people with blood group O are at lower risk of developing the most severe form of the disease.Downloads
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