Educational intervention on the prevention of breast cancer in adolescents



Breast cancer, Health, Self-examination.


Introduction: breast cancer is an imminent health problem, especially for the female population.

Objective: evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on breast cancer risk factors and self-examination, in adolescents from CMF No. 11 of the Romárico Oro Peña Polyclinic of the Puerto Padre municipality of Las Tunas, in the period between January and December of the 2022.

Method: a quasi-experimental study of an educational intervention type was carried out on adolescents from CMF No. 11 of the Romárico Oro Peña Polyclinic of the Puerto Padre municipality of Las Tunas, in the period between January and December 2022. The universe was made up of 135 adolescents and the sample consisted of 59 adolescents selected taking into account the inclusion, exclusion and exit criteria.

Results: the age of 11 to 13 years predominated (42.37 %). The predominant risk factor was coffee (66.10 %), followed by smoking (25.42 %). The majority of adolescents (94.9 %) had inadequate knowledge about breast self-examination. After the intervention they increased to 96.6 % of adequate knowledge.

Conclusions: the educational intervention was effective, because it demonstrated an increase in the level of knowledge about breast cancer and breast self-examination, hence the importance of carrying out interventions that promote self-examination and the reduction of risk factors, in the level of primary health care.


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Author Biography

Reynaldo López Milanés, Policlínico Romárico Oro Peña, Puerto Padre. Las Tunas.

Doctor en Ciencias Médicas, especialista en primer grado de Medicina General Integral. Profesor Asistente.


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How to Cite

López Milanés R, Alfredo Gallego J. Educational intervention on the prevention of breast cancer in adolescents. UNIMED [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];6(1):e342. Available from:



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