Chronic Renal Failure and Vestibular Syndrome as a manifestation of nephrotoxic drug: a case report



Aminoglycosides, Chronic renal failure, Ototoxicity.


Chronic Kidney Failure (CKD) or Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), as it is currently known, has increased significantly in recent times.  It is defined as an entity that is produced by various etiological factors, including underlying diseases and those induced by medications.  The clinical case of a patient who evolved Acute Tubular Necrosis and Vestibular Syndrome leading to Chronic Renal Failure after the administration of Gentamicin was presented.  The findings in the complementary examinations demonstrate the changes produced, however, no renal alterations were found in the ultrasounds performed and the patient is currently progressing favorably.  To prepare the report, a total of 32 bibliographic references were reviewed to select 15, coming from Scielo, Google Academic and Infomed sources.  Knowledge of the adverse reactions produced by drugs such as aminoglycosides is necessary to avoid complications that may affect the health of patients.


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How to Cite

Martínez Igarza M, Peña Ramírez DS, Taño Tamayo D, Pérez Batista FM. Chronic Renal Failure and Vestibular Syndrome as a manifestation of nephrotoxic drug: a case report. UNIMED [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];6(1):e262. Available from:



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