Student research against the coronavirus, in the Yerba de Guinea People's Council, Santiago de Cuba
Coronavirus, Active research, Health promotion, SymptomsAbstract
Introduction: the new coronavirus can infect people of all ages. However, older adults with pre-existing medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes and heart disease, appear to be more vulnerable.
Objective: to describe the results of the active student research against the coronavirus, developed in Clinic # 27, of the Yerba de Guinea Popular Council, belonging to the Carlos Juan Finlay Polyclinic, Songo-La Maya municipality, Santiago de Cuba province, in the period of January to May 2021.
Methods: a descriptive observational cross-sectional study was carried out in Clinic # 27, of the Yerba Popular Council of Guinea, belonging to the Carlos Juan Finlay Polyclinic, Songo-La Maya municipality, the universe was made up of 16 students from the University of Medical Sciences who reside in the area and 5 of them were intentionally chosen because they belonged to said office. The variables established by the Ministry of Public Health were used, through the model created for this purpose.
Results: 3 (60 %) of the students came from the Faculty of Nursing-Technology. High blood pressure and diabetes mellitus were the most frequent risks of those investigated with 122 (47, 2 %) and 86 (33,3 %). Cough in 86 cases and fever in 76 appear as the most significant signs and only one confirmed case was reported in the month of February.
Conclusions: active student research carried out in the community has made it possible to immediately detect the symptoms associated with coronavirus in the population and prevent them through health promotion actions.Downloads
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