Left testicular tumor. Case reports



Treatment, Germ cell tumor, Testicular tumor


The testicular tumor forms in one or several testicles. It is more common in young or middle-aged men. Most testicular tumors begin to form in the germ cells (which become sperm) and are called a testicular germ cell tumor. The appearance of testicular germ cell tumors constitutes more than 90% of these cancers, for which it was decided to report the case of a young patient with a testicular tumor, diagnosed at the Saturnino Lora Provincial Hospital, Santiago de Cuba, in 2022, with the aim of describing it, for which 11 bibliographic references were consulted. The favorable response to oncospecific treatment of these tumors and their appearance in early stages of life require accurate and timely diagnosis. The first line treatment for testicular tumor is surgery to remove the tumor. This is followed by chemotherapy treatment.



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How to Cite

Hierrezuelo Simales RD, Barroso Fontanals ME. Left testicular tumor. Case reports. UNIMED [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 25];6(2):e367. Available from: https://revunimed.sld.cu/index.php/revestud/article/view/367

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