Validity of Fidel's thought for the training of the military doctor in Cuba
Doctor, Military Medicine, Thought.Abstract
Introduction: Fidel Castro's ideas are a legacy of dignity, decorum and honor that Cubans can never renounce to, that is why it is essential, at present, to study the thought and humanist projections of the leader of the Cuban revolution for the training of military doctors in Cuba.
Objective: The research aims at analyzing some reflections of Fidel Castro Ruz about Cuban medicine in general and, in particular, about military medicine,
Method: a literature and documentary review of 25 bibliographies in books and works was carried out, highlighting the essential aspects in the thought of Fidel Castro that have contributed to the consolidation of the organization and operation of the public health system in Cuba and to the training of the Cuban military doctor. Analysis-synthesis, deduction-induction and historical-logical methods were used.
Results: emphasis was given to essential issues that have validity and significance in the training of the Cuban military doctor who has gained value in both Cuban and international society due to the quality of the performance of this professional
Conclusions: the reasoning and proposals of the Commander of the Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, are considered transcendent in the training process of the Cuban professional and especially of the military doctor.Downloads
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